Friday, April 16, 2010

Going Meteor Hunting This Weekend?

Turns out it might not be such a bad idea in your neck of the woods as there has been a piece of the recent fireball recovered. The first piece was found up near Livingston, Wisconsin.

There are probably more up there, although they may not be easy to find!


  1. I hear they are very heavy... and valuable.

  2. I'm really upset I missed that!

    Hope to see some Saturday night! I'll be watching.

  3. The article doesn't say where or how they found it. Talk about a needle in a haystack.

  4. Hale: I personally am a "Nay Sayer" I don't believe they really found this "Shelled Peanut size" piece? How in the world would you be able to find something like this? It "According to him, hit his shed" Perhaps it landed on a concrete driveway or something?
