Monday, April 19, 2010

OK Go - "This Too Shall Pass" - Rube Goldberg Machine Version

I think Mr. Goldberg would be proud.


  1. I have thought about posting this one for a while, but always forgotten to actually do it. NPR's Planet Money did a piece on this recently. They interviewed Damian Kulash, lead singer of OK Go for the piece on problems in the music business. Go ahead and listen to's free.

    Planet Money is where I got the Bet Against the American Dream thing I just posted...if you aren't listening to it on a regular basis, you should be.

  2. I can't think about this band without thinking of this video:
    Here It Goes Again

    They were just in Milwaukee at Turner Hall Ballroom. Story Here

  3. That other video is great, kk, as is the song.

    I've never been to Turner Hall. That probably would have been a good opportunity.

  4. Drat! Orbs, had I only known.... we could have seen them too. Ever hear of The Flaming Lips? If I don't have to take roads I don't know, I don't freak out so much about driving at night. Turner Hall usually has reasonably priced tickets. The only problem is you might not be guaranteed a seat... and you might be required to mosh! ;>

  5. I just listened to some Flaming Lips music on YouTube. Very interesting. But I don't see them scheduled for an area appearance.

    Never fear about the driving. My truck's running well enough now. When you drive blind it doesn't matter if it's day or night - you can't see anyway. Actually, it's not driving blind, per se; it's more like driving one foot at a time, at 50 mph.
