Sunday, April 4, 2010

Venus and Mercury: April 3rd

I was driving back from New Mexico tonight (more blogs on that trip coming) and stopped off of I-10 on Highway 191 to snap a few pictures of Mercury and Venus. They are having a nice conjunction and if you missed it tonight, tomorrow night is just about as good. Monday they will start moving noticeably apart. Anyway, here is a pic.

Now an interesting second pic. During this exposure, a car zipped past (the turnout I used was on the east side of the road and I was looking west). I thought the picture would be ruined, but I think it's kind of a neat effect in its own right...and I caught a plane in this one as well. You will notice I wasn't zoomed in on this on as much.

If it's clear, I will try a few more pics tonight.

Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.


  1. very nice! I do like the effect of the car, like it was intentional - just say you planned it that way :)

  2. I was thinking how hale must always have his eyes on the sky, looking for phenomena, while I never see nothing. Then I realized, I hardly go out at night. :P

  3. Yes orbs, I would be concerned to be a passenger in his car in the evening...

    Hale, the second picture would be a great one for April's Fools... alien aircraft comes crashing down, casting an eerie glow over a dark, winding, New Mexico road.

  4. Are you trying to say I am easily distracted by shiny things?
