Thursday, May 27, 2010

There I was, thought I was gonna die!

I am sooo beat. Worn out. I’m seriously out of shape, yet there I was again, I thought I was gonna die! The VA SCI put on a scuba diving event at a Milw. YMCA. Beforehand I was more worried about the water being too cold (actually very nice) but found my real anxiety 6’ under water when it hit me I shouldn’t be able to breathe even though I had air. Obviously I lived, but I did have to surface for a bit to lose the jitters. Have not been in a pool in 15 years. Think it will be a long time before I go again. Legs are so useless I can’t even stand with water lifting me up. At least I got out of the house and doing something.


  1. Huck! Scuba diving lessons? Oh my gosh! You have a lot of chutzpah! I have 2 perfectly working legs and I'd be scared shitless to do that. Good for you!

  2. Huck: BE PROUD. I know people that are disabled, and don't do anything, except sit In a chair. Your an inspiration. You know NOTHING about the words give up.

  3. WOW...That's GREAT! Now for sky-diving? LOL Hey, why not!

  4. Sorry I forgot...I'll bet a lot of us will go with you..!!!!! Now that's a LOL!

  5. Wow, Huck, go for it. Swimming is great exercise. I've never scuba dived, either. I had trouble getting myself to breathe just snorkeling.

    Count me out for sky diving. I'll attend and watch. But I am not jumping out of an airplane. That would be a great JTI event, though.

  6. I'll stand with you on the ground, orbs and welcome the "suckers" back to earth... yikes!

  7. Good for you! Glad you made it out ok.

    I tried snorkeling once.. I just couldn't breathe underwater.

  8. I had a fear of water for a long time, still don't like getting my face wet and really don't like being under water but floating on my back or doggie paddling I do like. Snorkeling - never! you're incredibly brave for not only considering it but actually DOING it!
    Dying is not an option, we need you :)
