Monday, May 17, 2010

Shooting Stars Explained

This one is for the Bopster!


  1. Too funny! I wonder Hale's take of this would be.

  2. This has been going around for a while...well, the video that is (at least in my circles!)

    There was a urine dump last year that was seen over the continental U.S. They used it as a question on Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me where they dubbed it the constellation Urion.

  3. There was a PBS or Discovery Channel show about this. It was actually pretty interesting.

    According to the program, NASA is also looking at extreme filtering of urine for longer term flights to reduce how much liquid they need to bring along for drinking purposes. The weight of water is costly and prohibitive.

    I don't think I would be interested in booking one of those flights.
