Friday, May 28, 2010

Those words that sound alike, but mean different things.

Okay, guys, here we go...this one came to mind as I was reading a post on Facebook.

Fourth, forth
Seated, Seeded
Fore, four (fore-fathers was the term that was meant to be used....)
Lean, lien
Seam, seem
sine, sign

Okay, you guys take it from here. Something to amuse me for the weekend.


  1. Orange and door hinge??? Okay, Orbs.

    BTW, I think I have a Golden Orb Spider weaving a web in my palm tree in front of the house...we will try to get a picture of it for you, Orbs!

  2. meet, meat
    tie, tye
    pain, pane
    die, dye

    Gee thanks for getting my brain doing THIS again, beejay!

  3. bean, been... (said with an accent, how have you been?)

  4. weight, wait
    one won
    polish polish (pollack shine up)
    hear here

    KK been doesn't count unless you have an English accent.

  5. hi high
    toe tow
    horse hoarse
    but butt
    no know

    ok I'll stop

  6. weight, wait
    one won
    polish polish (pollack shine up)
    hear here

    KK been doesn't count unless you have an English accent.

  7. need knead

    KK, I sense a common theme in your words....

  8. hi, high
    seen, scene
    higher, hire
    due, do
    more, moor
    lire, leer

  9. bare bear (aren't the all?)

  10. Common theme? It figures I'm finally making sense, but I am unaware of it...

    sense, cents
    heir, air, err, ere
    bale, bail
    ceiling, sealing
    rude, rued

  11. which, witch
    site, cite, sight
    byte, bite
    main, mane
    sane, seine
    lane, lain
    lode, load


  12. vise, vice... get the message here, beejay?

  13. deer, dear
    alter, altar
    peel, peal
    purr, per

    kay, it...
    laser, lazer

  14. doe dough
    (the dear made me think of that one)

    blue blew
    waist waste
    to two too (the trifecta)
    steal steel
    I eye aye (another trifecta)
    light lite (half the calories)
    dew do due (you forgot one BJ)
    red read
    not knot
    knew new
    knight night(I like the K ones)
    naval navel
    (sailors with belly buttons)
    logger lager
    (beer drinking lumberjacks)
    fishing phishing (computer geeks)
    seller cellar
    (a place to keep the wine)
    whine wine
    (what you do when you run out)
    flew flue flu
    pew pugh pu
    (a little hometown flair)
    flair flare
    meet meat
    flue flew flu

  15. dock doc
    fowl foul
    male mail
    chute shoot
    (that one should be worth bonus points)
    would wood
    pair pare
    (you can eat one and always have one left over)
    filly philly
    (horse meat on a hoagy)

  16. peer and pier!
    lyre and lair
    thyme and time

    I'm running low here...

    beau and bow

  17. One more...
    baled, bailed
    balled, bald, bawled
    steak, stake
    mews, muse

    here's an odd one:
    aisle, I'll

  18. so sow
    (not to be confused with a pig)
    might mite
    OK I quit!

  19. Ok, I'm cheating...

    Drew, drew (noun vs verb)

  20. coming late in the game, but it just came to me and I didn't see it off hand..

    Poor, Pour, Pore

  21. I lied!

    Peak peek

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.
