Monday, June 7, 2010

Magnificent Artistry from Dead Trees

All the old cottonwood trees in the area of a Craig, Colorado , park had some disease and needed to be removed. So they had a chainsaw competition in the park and offered a prize. The following pictures are a result of the competition. Great artists!

These photos where taken by DamnedifIknow's camera.


  1. Might have been a good idea for the Dekoven Woods area. It looks so much better down there without all those creepy/killer vines; but it sure looks empty. They said that invasive species can take 20 years to completely eradicate.

  2. I am always astounded when I see these carvings...I watched someone with a chainsaw do one is absolutely amazing....

  3. I wonder how many finger this guy has left?

  4. I had a chainsaw in my arsenal, but didn't have to use it much. I could never carve with one. Those guys probably use the light, professional models, but it still takes a lot of skill.

  5. Does anyone actually know what killed those Cottonwood Trees?
