Monday, June 21, 2010

Open Blog - Monday

Rain, rain, please go away!


  1. Radar shows more in Madison right now, heading our way.... Looks like the grass is gonna need yet another cutting!

  2. Damn! It's Monday again!

  3. A week ago we received 10 inches of rain at our house. Since then, it has been in the upper 90's and steamy. And, there is no rain in the forecast for at least another week.
    Can you guys send some of that rain this way???

  4. It seems like most of June has been rainy and overcast. This is great for the lawn care companies.

  5. Just overcast up here, but no rain. Might rain later though.

  6. Just temporary... I'm at the lake. Mr DA is in MN

  7. I've had a surprisingly good day, this can only mean one thing, it's going to come back and bite me really bad, I'm betting on Wednesday...

    cool picture BTW!

  8. But it never really rained in Racine today, did it? I mean, I saw a few sprinkles. but it was more bark than bite - so far. It looks like most of it is headed north of us. Maybe DA is getting some rain now.

    Lizardmom, I cannot tolerate anything good happening to me, and when it does, I just know that the other shoe is going to drop - right on my head.

  9. It's been on and off overcast with just a few sprinkles. I do hear thunder rumbling in the distance, though. Nothing big at the moment.
    We'll see.

    I love that I have a good signal right now!! Funny how my life is centered around my phone reception/modem.

    Maybe I could chack the radar when I have such a good connection....

  10. Orbs, I know if I have a rough Monday, then the rest of the week isn't as bad but a good Monday usually means a bad Tuesday but I am off tomorrow for my oldest's 20th birthday, how can that be????? surely I'M not THAT old!! LOL!!

    My best guess is that Wednesday is going to get me, maybe I should call in sick for Wednesday now??? :)

  11. The rain is all my fault! I had a tarp in my garage and I it out to air out, well it has rained on it every day except one since. Maybe I should just hang it in the garage and let it dry so it stops raining!

  12. ok.. big storms came through! Not real vicious . Lost my internet though.

    Ohh here comes another one!!
    Check my FB for a cool sunset pic as the storm moved in.

  13. I am Sooooooo mad. Every two minutes they are telling me a tornado warning is in effect for Waukesha county. A Warning! Not a real one and certainly not here. I want to see my shows!!!! OK this is good for Waukesha but it sure gets me riled. That is it for now. Had to let off steam. Thank you for your support. LOL

  14. Usually lots of rain means some local amateur astronomer just got a really nice new telescope. The number of days of rain varies directly with the cost of the telescope.

  15. Oh hell no Boppster

    "The number of days of rain varies directly with the cost of the telescope"...toooo funny!

  16. Sorry, it is MY fault! The rain only comes when I wash my car or my windows.

  17. I've heard of rainmakers, but does anyone practice rain-stopping?
