Wednesday, June 30, 2010

When Winning Isn't a Motivation...

Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing goes the saying attributed to Vince Lombardi. But in some cases, winning isn't what drives a person.

I just got an email about my employer's wellness program. They have been doing this all year. They have certain wellness events such as health seminars, on site yoga, chair massages (okay, those I can get behind!) etc. You are supposed to keep track on a calendar and get points for prizes.

One of the schools I taught at did a similar thing. You kept track of your physical activity on a calendar and got points for all your exercise. I run, lift weights, bike, etc. so everyone told me I should enter because I would win.

I never did and I am not currently keeping track of my "points" here. That's not why I keep in shape. I do it because I enjoy my workouts (even in the hot summer...season just changed here as the wind shifted on Monday and now it is getting brutally hot even at 6am.) I "win" by doing what I love. Don't get me wrong, I can be competitive, but I will save that spirit for the upcoming Fourth of July 5k Race!

If they have an event I want to participate in, I will, but not for the points. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to make a reservation for my next chair massage!


  1. My school does the exercise challenge too. So many points for so many minutes of exercise, so many points for eating right. Everyone asks if I'll be on their team. Nope. I do it for myself.. not to rack up points or kudos. Besides, the most competitive teams that win are those who fudge their efforts. Did someone say chair massage? I just came back from one and some bone cracking and I FEEL GREAT!

  2. If I joined one of those teams, they would start losing points.
