Thursday, July 8, 2010

Budapest Multiparker 730

Wouldn't it be cool if the system somehow screwed up and you got someone else's Mercedes after parking your heap of a car?


  1. I finally got around to playing the video. That is so cool!!! It is like a big vending machine. The standing around inside between 2-4 minutes is the part where safety would be the biggest concern.

  2. WOW They have this already? What is wrong with the States? I thought we came up with ideas like this. I need to get out of the country more. This is totally awesome!

  3. I was thinking the same thing, Sassa We have Milwaukee's O'Donnell parking garage instead.

    I didn't think about personal safety, kk, but then I'm not a woman in today's world.

  4. that is insanely cool!! makes me want to go there just to try it!!

  5. Can't fathom the cost!
