Friday, July 30, 2010

Four for Fridays

Hello everybody! Friday's back! This one kinda slipped up to me. This week's questions are about ecology.

1) Do you recycle?

2) What do you think of your communities' current recycling program?

3) Do you think, we the people, are doing enough about conservation?

4) Do you think the government should set aside more land for national parks and such?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1) Do you recycle?
    certainly do, but I do know I can be a little lazy if the container has something nasty in it.. I don't want to deal with the smell so I throw it away.. I do feel bad about it though

    2) What do you think of your communities' current recycling program?
    well here you have to separate things wash them out and bring them to a recycling center (no curb side pick up) would love it the way you got it there in Racine actually

    3) Do you think, we the people, are doing enough about conservation?
    I really don't I know I'm lazy about it.. I know more can be recycled and composted.. and I really should do it more.. it's really a very easy thing to do.. it's just laziness..

    4) Do you think the government should set aside more land for national parks and such?
    I would love to see more parks and reserves..

  2. 1) I'm in an apartment building, so we have private garbage pickup. When I moved here, we had recycling bins. Now we don't because it's cheaper for the landlord. That makes it hard to recycle. Talking to the landlord doesn't help because money talks louder.

    2) I think it's good and wish it would be extended to apartment buildings.

    3) No, I don't, but that's something that has been creeping up on me with age. I've noticed that he older I get, the more concerned I am about the damage we've done to the environment. I guess that's concern for future generations.

    4) I don't think we can have enough parks and nature preserves. For all our technology, millions of years of evolution link us to nature, not cell phones.

  3. 1. Yes, religiously.
    2. While I regret the ugly bins that litter up our city, the news reported yesterday that recycling is up 76% from the previous year for June. They estimate a savings so far of $30,000 to the city. Whether that is an accurate enough sampling is yet to be seen.
    3. No... never enough concern for our environment.
    4. I think we need to take better care of those parks that have been established. I always feel sad when I see buildings (for shopping) going up. We don't need anymore shopping centers. We need more recycling of goods that wind up in landfills.

    Gee. Sounds like I'm running for political office.

  4. 1. Yes I do, but go further than recycling some plastic bottles. No, scratch that, Racine in it's wisdom stole my steel and aluminum.

    2. I think it's a joke. Wasted tax payer money, stupid expensive containers, and a loss, not a gain for the funds spent.

    3. They tell you to buy a new efficient car but never tell you the huge amount of energy used to make it, transport the pars to make it, and transport it to you. Over all, the new efficient car takes more energy than keeping your old one in tune. Just about the entire conservation effort is about as beneficial. A feel good fix that doesn't do much. Growing corn for alcohol for fuel? Loud noise, lots of smoke, little action.

    4. Yes. Not just National parks, but City, County and state ones too.

  5. 1)Yes I do. Even though I live in an apartment, I still take my aluminum cans in. I'd like to do more, but unfortunately, there isn't much of a recycling program in my complex.

    2) Personally I think Racine's recycling suck! There are places in northern Wisconsin that doesn't have curb pick up. You HAVE to bring your own garbage to a "dump" SEPARATED. The plastics in one container, metal in one, glasses in another and so forth. Garbage in any other way will not be accepted! Gone are the dumps that bears dig through!

    In southern California, large recycling bins are provided and home owners have to pay for pick up. By law, garbage must be separated.

    Racine-it's just shove recyclables in a blue bag. (If you feel like it)

    3) Never enough.

    4) Yes

  6. 1. Yeah, even try to do my best when traveling.

    2. It's okay where I live...don't know about the rest of Tucson or what they do for apartments there.

    3. No...and we rarely talk about stabilizing the world population which is a big piece of the puzzle (doing my part, no kids, don't want them).

    4. Yes, and parks should be incorporated into ALL new developments.
