Friday, July 9, 2010

Open Blog - Weekend Version

Sorry, I'm a tad late this morning. I slept in . . .


  1. Good for you, sheriff! That is what summer is about.... sleeping in. I'm enjoying it! Have I mentioned, lately, how much I *hate* getting up at 5 am?

  2. 5 am? That is an ungodly hour. I get up at 7 and take my first nap at 8 am. Thank god I only work from 12 to 3:30. My life is ideal for me.

  3. Usually I schedule the blog to appear at midnight, but I forgot last night.

  4. I slept in this morning...up at about 6...normally, I'm up by 5 or 5:30.....

  5. it was my day to sleep in today... it was nice, my husband got up with the girls so I got to sleep until 8.. =)

  6. I am heavily influenced by the Sun and weather. I get up 5:30 or so in the summer since it is just too hot to run and workout after work here. In the winter, I sleep in later and go to bed later, shifting my workouts to after work. I really hate September when the sunrise is later and it gets harder for me to get up but it hasn't cooled down enough for me to work out at night. That's a rough month.

  7. Wish I could have slept in today, but had to be at work by 4 AM.

  8. what about just before 2am - 10 days straight, it was rather ugly towards the end of the week, just ask my poor family :)
    oh it was so nice to finally get some sleep this morning!! :)

  9. I don't think I could keep your hours, Lizardmom. On occasion, I'm just going to bed at 2 AM, though not too often these days. If I am, it's usually because of a computer problem.
