Thursday, August 26, 2010

As the primary approaches......

KK's comment on campaign ads for national races made me think just how some people miss what is really important in elections. (Not that I am saying you missed the point KK, you were just venting and I get that.)

People need to remember that the most important elections that effect your every day life are not the national or even the state elections. It is the ones people could care less about: The local ones. Village board, city council, school district, elected commissions, County Board, etc. These positions are the ones where (for the most part) you get a local person who finally gets pissed off enough to run for an office. Your civil servants are your local ones who work their 40 hour a week job, then take on the daily business of the local municipality. Your vote really wont change much in DC or even Madison. But it does change alot in your City, Village or Town. And if you get a good one in office that is willing to commit the time and energy, those are the people you re-elect. (Especially if you live in Sturtevant where yours truly is up again in the spring..... what a fast two years!)


  1. I guess my post was just venting. I pay attention to all the upcoming elections and the people who are running. The problem seems to be that when someone is running, there are many promises made that more often than not, are not kept. Could be that the candidate was unaware of the "machine" that makes things more difficult to achieve, or it could simply be false promises, or an over estimation of their ability.

    I hate, hate, hate the negative ad campaigns. If someone who is running is that bad, people will notice. The opponent does not need to point that out. Someone should be elected on their own abilities and the direction they choose to take with the position. This BS, negative campaigning, turns off most voters. We are tired of dirty politics.

  2. To me, let me state that again, “To me”, all politicians tell lies! As KK elegantly called it “false promises”, these politicians should be arrested and definitely removed from office.

    Wacko, you stated, “Your civil servants are your local ones who work their 40 hour a week job.” While on that 40 hour a week job, as an employee, if you lied to your superiors as much as politicians lie to their constituents, you would be fire!

    Unfortunately, they will pass the buck...”I tried but I kept getting shot down”... well then you didn’t try hard enough and you never should have opened your mouth during campaigning!

    As a little note, when I was working we had a salesman we nicknamed him, “The Governor of Unfulfilled Promises” He was great at passing the buck or he could dance you around for an hour before you got tired of hearing his bullshit.

  3. I agree that local elections are the ones that affect us the most, and I also think that's where you'll most likely find honest public servants. The higher the elected position rises, the more BS it entails.

  4. SER,

    And I thought I could be cynical....

    I work my full time job. Then I also serve in my elected office. I do it because I love doing it. It is harder than I ever thought it would be but also more rewarding. I don't do it for the money, cause you wont get rich on a village board. I do it because I thought I could make a difference. I do not lie to get ahead. I do not lie for political gain. I do not lie to gain favor. I do not lie to appease people. I do not lie to the people who put my in office and trust me to make decisions on everything from dog licenses to street repair to public safety and their tax bill. For you to use a blanket statement like that impedes the intriguer of every little guy serving for the common good. I know your entitled to your opinion. I just don't have to agree with it.

  5. sorry integrety..... my spelling stinks.

  6. Stu, let me ask you a question:

    Did you made any promises during your campaign and if so have you full filled them completely?

    I guess we all know there are “two sides to the street”, you can do something good, and the other side of the street will say (for instant) “there he goes again, pissing away good money”.

    Yes I do agree you have to be willing to commit the time if you want to do a good job as a civil servant.

    When I was real young my dad asked me want I wanted to be when I grow up; I told him I wanted to be the President of the United States, he makes the most money in the world”! He laughed and said no he doesn’t. Talk about being naive at that age!

  7. Election day is very unique in a politicians year. It's the only day they are kissing our butts instead of trying to ram something up it.

  8. Generalizations are never a good thing. It does seem, however, that once a politician is in office for any length of time, they eventually go the route of becoming less and less effective, for whatever reason.

    Stu, I don't believe any one is accusing you, personally. Political office is a thankless job, much like being a parent. It is a necessary job, though. You have to have thick skin and take your successes and lumps as they come. Unfortunately, any mistakes are highlighted and then hashed and rehashed.
