Monday, August 9, 2010

Open Blog - Monday

Sorry, late again . . .


  1. Good Morning! I'm getting ready to go to work, thinking if I work why am I still so poor. M-m-m-m The government lures you in with fibs like that. Work makes you rich. Or as the old saying goes Work makes you free. Both are wrong. Shows you what mood I am in. Better put on my smiley face. Hope you all have a GREAT day!

  2. Work is a four letter word.

    I'm number 3!

  3. Is it as there as it is here? I thought MN was supposed to be cooler than WI!

    Heat index over 100. I guess the Twin Cities tied the record temp yesterday. 96* heat index 103.

    Lovin AC right now!

    Happy Monday everyone.

  4. picture looks like it is here today.. another day of gray and rainy weather... in a kinda bummed out mood today.. Chris went back to work after his summer vacation so it's a shock to the system to have to take care of the girls on my own again.. ah well.. hoping for better weather tomorrow so we can go out and have fun..

  5. Rain is a four letter word too. I had to work today. First time I set my alarm all summer... bummer

  6. So does HP tech guys from India...@##%^$%$*&^&&!!!!

  7. I was just out watching Molly the owl on U-stream. Her babies are so tiny.
    Drew, I feel your pain. In my job I have to deal with mortgage companies and most of them outsource to India.
    Drives me nuts!!!

  8. My electric bill is going to be enormous, but I have to have the AC on. It was steamy today. I turn the AC off at night and use a small oscillating fan blowing on my bed for sleeping. Charlie hates the AC and would prefer to broil in the sun.

    I avoid technical support at all possible costs. It's like talking to insane people.

  9. Ords...I see in the paper electric bills are up 66% because of the heat...I think my is a little more then at...Like a 100%+

    Fishing sucks because of the rain, rivers too high, too much crap going into Lake Michigan.

  10. My electric bill was high last month...will be in August as well. September sees a decrease and I really look forward to October. Then I am good until the following June (I hardly need heat at all here).

    I turn it totally off while I am away at work. Only have it on at night or when I am home on the weekends.
