Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Open Blog - Wednesday

Sunny days.


  1. Happy Wednesday - I hope!

    just read about Linsey Lohan getting released early from jail and rehab and only felt sadness, she really needs to be somewhere for help, on her own she didn't do very well, hopefully she can turn it around

  2. Lindsay Lohan is surrounded by enablers and she will continue down this road of destruction with their assistance. Relocating to New York won't do a darn thing for her. Same nightlife style.

    I'm having a good day so far...biked my 4.5 miles this a.m. and am tackling my desk...eeeeek. With the advent of the computer generation, I would think I would have less paper...I have more! Now I have it on the PC and hardcopy...oh, yeah, this is a good thing. Look out shredder, here I come!

  3. Lindsay is the train wreck du jour.

    I'm getting tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes.

    Happy Wednesday.

  4. Can anyone tell me why I cannot get Racineuncovered? It keeps wanting to 'debug' and then kicks me out. Am I the only one?

  5. A little cooler here today...might not make it to 100. Lots of rain yesterday with impressive lightning and wind. I would settle for temperatures dropping to normal for this time of year right now.

  6. Sassa, there should be no problems with the site.Sounds like your computer might be acting up. Only problem we've had was the scanner going down but the Racine News guys run a tight ship with both sites. Did you restart?

  7. I have no trouble with RacineUncovered at this time.

    Hale, we finally got a break in the humidity, with highs in the 70's & low 80's. Nice.
