Friday, August 13, 2010

Open Blog - Weekend Version

Uh-oh, Friday the 13th.


  1. Gee, Sheriff, did you have to remind me of the date? I am sitting in class, listening to pandora, eating a croissant and blogging. Why should I be any different than my students? Okay, guilt will happen any minute now and I'll start paying attention. Unfortunately, this class is one I could be teaching.... boo!

  2. I am flying high. At 4:00 pm today I will officially be on vacation. From the 106 heat to fresh, cooler mountain air. Hallelujah!!

  3. Here is some bad Friday the 13th news. Watch for the announcement of the values of the local municipalities. The bigger the loss, the harder it will be to provide the same amount of services in 2011 for the cost of 2010.

  4. My day started out lousy. I was walking around the grocery store for about 10 minutes before I realized my fly was open. Then try to zip up and be inconspicuous about it......

  5. Damn---- 8pm and it is still 80 degrees outside

  6. 8:37 and I think we're gonna see some storm action.

  7. At 7 p.m. it was 93 degrees here, SER...


    Went to the mountains earlier in the week, Mary, it was 88 degrees! Oh boy...

  8. The storm broke up before arriving here. We got a light sprinkle. It's still hot and humid.
