Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Perseid Video

Okay, in my previous entry, I described how I took these 388 photos. Now I put them into a video. Each frame is up for .3 seconds. Feedback on whether that is too short is welcome. The camera stays pointed at one spot so you can watch the stars (and clouds) go by. Meteors show up as quick streaks, so watch close. I should have went out a little later in the evening since there are more toward the end than the beginning.


Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.


  1. Very nice, hale. I saw two? I kept waiting for the 2001, A Space Odyssey music. Might have been a nice touch?

    The best part: NO mosquitoes!!!

  2. Reminds me of when I was a little girl and my dad and I would lay in the grass in the back yard and he would tell me all about the stars.

  3. Even though you didn't catch many meteors in this, it's still pretty cool.
    Can't wait to see what else you do!

  4. I have all 388 pics and I can look at them slowly and high res. So far, I have found 10, several of them are pretty faint and would be harder to see on the video. Youtube compresses it so you lose some quality there. If I can figure out an image adjustment that enhances all the images and how to apply it to them all at once, I might try and redo the video. Have to find some free time to play with that.

  5. Ah... {smiles} I, too, look forward to your future endeavors. You will get nothing but better with practice.

  6. I like the cloud action. Very ethereal. I saw two meteors. The one you posted and another, going from northwest to southeast. There also is a small UFO at 1:18 in the lower left of the screen.

    Watching this very much reminds me of the visual fields tests that I have taken.
