Saturday, August 21, 2010

Plan B

My patience has finally ran out of the door! I'm done screwing around with the technical idiots from Hewitt Packard. Done with waiting for "alleged" recovery discs to arrive. DONE! I want my computer back and I want it NOW! The withdrawls are getting serious now...

So I bid my adieu to the Best Buy Geek Squad From Hell and gave the Hewitt Peckhard the bird! Time for Plan B. I got my refunds back and took my business to a local puter geek whom already has what I need. They'll even tweek it for better performance. For a cheaper price too! If it goes well, I should have my computer back on Monday. I have a lot of catching up to do!


  1. good luck Drew, hope it works out for you.. I feel you on the withdrawls.. cannot stand when the computer is not available.. hate how addicted I am to the thing.

  2. Me too, why not. I walk around with nothing to do when my computer is on the fritz. I go to the kitchen..the bathroom (nothing to do in either) the bedroom and kiss the Kitty (she understands).Good thing Drew had a backup plan. I usually have to wait for my son to become available.

  3. Best Buy sucks, Milwaukee PC flies. Love the place

  4. I hope it goes well, drew. I guess we'll know soon enough.

  5. Ahhhhhh.....if you don't have a computer, ah, how did you get the post up? FM!

  6. Drew's been hanging out at the library...poor guy. Hope to see you around later this week, Drew.

  7. Why Not-the hardest thing about being away from the computer is WONDERING about what is happening in blogland...

    Sassa-I do have a plan C (and D)

    Huck-I'll agree with you there!

    Orbs-It almost looks like tomorrow for sure!

    Logjam-I've been using the computer at the library. Kinda sucks having to wait just to use them for a limited amout of time.

    Beejay-Thanks! I can't wait!

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