Friday, September 3, 2010

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! Labor Day weekend is here! Hope everyone is going to have fun this weekend! This week questions are about Labor Day.

1) What are your Labor Day weekend plans?

2) What does Labor Day mean to you?

3) How was your summer?

4) What is your favorite month?

Enjoy your LONG weekend folks!


  1. 1. Party for a certain Man's birthday.
    2. Besides the end of summer, it recognizes the working person....probably originated following the hard labors of summer crops....I do remember those threshing crews! LOL....
    3. Summer was wonderful, especially my trip to WI!
    4. I don't think I truly have a favorite month....each one has something special to offer.

  2. 1. To be honest, it's my birthday this week so I'm pretty sure I deserve some shopping time.
    2. To recognize how hard we all work and to give ourselves a well deserved break.
    3. Besides for the bad motorcycle wreck our son-in-law had, it was a good summer.
    4. Honestly, I love April as that is when the hummingbirds come back (I have two right now fighting over the feeder), but I also love the holiday season.

  3. 1) What are your Labor Day weekend plans?
    No such thing here in Sweden, so nothing have a full day of lectures on Monday.. ugh.

    2) What does Labor Day mean to you?
    I guess I really don't know , but I would suppose something like the other 2 have said. It's good to recognize the average working man and woman.. We all play an important roll in life, no matter what we do..

    3) How was your summer?
    It was nice.. didn't do much but it was nice to just spend some real calm time with my family.. Next year it will be Racine again.

    4) What is your favorite month?
    Probably June, or July I like warmth and sun, but June is when the flowering trees are in full bloom at least here in Sweden.. it's beautiful.

  4. 1) Nothing special planned for Labor Day.

    2) To me it's a day to recognize American workers.

    3) Summer was good. My tomatoes are doing great this year. Last year they were savaged by the blight.

    4) I don't know that I have a favorite month. Probably one of the spring months.

  5. 1. None really

    2. MANY men and women fought HARD against corrupt companies etc. to get where we are today. We would be making very little money, and conditions would be horrible If Labor Unions had never been formed.

    3. Hot and Wet

    4. October

  6. 1. VA sent so e tickets for the Brewers game. Taking sis, BIL, and niece for some tail gating ad game.

    2. A three day weekend and the end of summer. Since Ronnie killed the Union and the Rich brainwashed the masses, Labor Day lost it's true meaning.

    3. Too hot and muggy, stayed in with the AC.

    4. The month of Spring. LOL

  7. 1. Not sure about weekend plans; I'm always a late planner.
    2. Honor the workers. As why not said, everyone has worth and general laborers made the county what it is through sweat and sacrifice.
    3. This summer was way too humid and miserable. I would not have survived well without the A/C for this one. Job stresses, the potential for job loss, and then continuing education requirements kind of wrecked what should have been my relaxating and rejuvenation time.
    4. Sept, Oct, November. I absolutely love the cool fall air, walking through fallen leaves, wearing a sweater, the autumn colors, the pumpkin farms and making chicken soup and apple pie and hiding under a blanket. Oh, yea!

  8. 1) I may go to Shawano tomorrow. The rest of the weekend, whatever...

    2) Three day end of summer party

    3) It was alright! Did more things than a usual summer. Saw two concerts.

    4) I'm basically a summer person. I like June and July for the warmth.September for the mild temps and sunny days.

  9. Drew, it's ShaWano...ask Mr. Dan!!! LOL...

  10. 1) What are your Labor Day weekend plans?
    To have a wonderful Sunday

    2) What does Labor Day mean to you?
    The end of summer

    3) How was your summer?
    To damn humid

    4) What is your favorite month?
    April...I get to pay my taxes to keep our fine government running!
