Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mission Impossible Squirrel

I received the above video in an email with this explanation:

"This takes place in England - the owners of the yard added each piece of the Rube Goldberg contraption slowly so that when the squirrel learned one section and got the nuts, they then added the next section. Finally it ended with what you see on the clip!"


  1. I've seen this before...yeah, we can almost outsmart them! Duh...

  2. I love him riding that little sled down the incline.

    If he's so smart, why doesn't he bypass all the gimmicks and just hop up to the nuts?

    Btw, if you're so inclined, enter "mission impossible squirrel" into YouTube's search box. It appears that there are many different squirrels out there working for the Impossible Missions Force.
