Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Municipal code.

Heavy reading. Did you know somewhere along the line in years past the board made a rule that they HAVE to go to conventions so often? It doesn't really matter if the convention is relevant, they MUST go on that vacation. It's in the rules. And here I thought it as just more fiscal mismanagement.


  1. I think teachers fall in to that catagory. They go to a lot of conventions and very seldom 'attend' the actual convention ...usually having a good time instead.

  2. That's odd. I've gone to some conventions as part of my tour with Wisconsin's Assiative Technology Council. Those conventions teachers attend are required as a continual learning requirement.

    I could see where someone could skip out and even why they might do so. By the third convention I saw that a lot of the information was repeated. I wouldn't hold the teachers responsible for the scheduling of presentations and the lack of breadth of studies. Organizers have no imagination.

    Kurtzweil and Dragon are mentioned in 75% of the AT learning presentations. They are both on screen typing and reading programs for the disabled/blind. If Teachers are forced into repetitious presentations at their conventions no wonder they bail right after breakfast.

  3. Huck, when you say, "Did you know somewhere along the line in years past the board made a rule that they HAVE to go to conventions so often?" are you referring to educators only?

  4. Noooo. This is for our Aldermen and Mayor. I don't think anyone takes the time to0 read our Municipal code. Took me awhile to find it.

  5. I think in any profession, you will have some unprofessional people. I really wonder why the public, in general, wants to pin negativity on teachers. There seem to be many who have a true hatred or jealousy of this profession and are willing to speak loudly against teachers with no solid evidence or statistics to back up their claims.

    Walk a mile in the shoes and you would soon know that it isn't a simple, cushy job. Good teachers are skilled individuals who need tremendous people and customer service skills. The good ones put a lot of time and effort into their profession. Teachers must continue to learn and take courses/credits to advance their skills.

  6. Thanks for the clarification, Huck. That's what I thought you meant.

    kk, I couldn't handle being a teacher. My parents were amazed by what they considered the lack of respect for teachers in this country. My dad spoke of the high regard (and pay) given to educators in the "old country."

  7. My husband is a teacher and we are planning a move back to Racine in the next few years, but I worry very much over the environment there for teachers. Here he is regarded as a very good teacher, by his boss, the students and parents of the students. He has a great job and they treat him very well. I worry about how that will change when we do move back to Racine. I would hate to leave this great job to come to a place where he is under attack (which is the feeling I get that people have towards teachers) the whole time.
