Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bad Universe Episode #2

Tomorrow night (October 6th) is episode #2 of Phil Plait's Bad Universe. As they say, check your local listing for the time. The topic this time is alien invasion. What would happen if aliens tried to take over Earth? How would they do it? If you read his book Death From the Skies, you have a clue that you are in for some surprises. Here's a teaser.

The first episode was a lot of fun...unfortunately, I am traveling again and will have to wait until I return to my trusty DVR next week to see it!


  1. Traveling? You must be doing better...good thing..

  2. Yes, I hope so, hale.

    I got sick just watching Dr. Phil fly in that plane.

  3. WUSS Real men can do that allll day. Sign me up. LOL he passed up a barrel roll? Chance of a lifetime! Like getting the ultimate gift and not knowing how to enjoy it.

  4. I would have chucked with the all the G's. I'm really surprised he held it together.

    Very interesting show.
