Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bed Bugs and Traveling

Bed bugs are on the rise, interesting article on the jsonline jsonline - Bed Bugs

Wisconsin Dells area has several reports

Check for local and statewide reports in Wisconsin.
Bed Bugs In Wisconsin

Nation wide reports. You can check hotels if you are traveling
Bed Bugs Nation Wide


  1. If you bring these pests home from your vacation or overnight stay, they are almost impossible to get rid of. The problem is that we have banned the pesticides that effectually killed them all off in this country. With international travel as popular as it is, they have returned from other countries where they persisted.

    If JWax wants to be prosperous in these lean times.... they should lay back a bit on the candle and scent thing and get busy finding something relatively safe, easy and inexpensive for the everyday consumer to exterminate these impossible critters.

  2. kk, I agree with you...a big fear or mine...I check those beds so closely when I travel.....

  3. Well, I was safe in Stanley, WI!!!! LOL...... I did notice that a lot of hotels in the Disney area show up!!!! I knew there was a reason I didn't stay near Disney!!!!

  4. I don't even want to think about it. There are people moving in and out of this building all of the time. Same at the old building. Yet my apartments have been relatively bug free. Charlie does his part.

    Someday I'll tell you about the cockroach infestation that my ex-wife and I experienced in a flat in Chicago. My God...

  5. Orbs, don't tell us, please don't!

    I think Orbs will be just fine...he has Charlie and also unless you bring those darn things home, you should be okay. They make me scratch! Yuck! ICK!

  6. I worry about what my kids will bring home from college dorms and shared apartments. I also heard stories about checking your purse and coat after letting them sit at some work places. Cockroaches can lay eggs that you don't even know are there.

    Never bring home cardboard boxes from stores. The spaces in the cardboard are ideal breeding grounds for insect eggs.

    I learned a great deal when working for a local company about insect infestations and the horror stories would make you want to puke sometimes. Often, it was not due to the caller's uncleanliness, but due to neighboring apartments and owners of buildings not taking care of open foodstuff and waste.

  7. kk, our tenants used to blame the grocery stores for their all the years I shopped in Racine, I never brought one single roach home...not one.

  8. I've never had roaches in Racine, and I've lived in rental units here my entire life (except for 1980's - in Chicago). If you move into a place that is infested, though, it doesn't matter how clean you are. They tried some sort of cockroach birth control on the place we lived in Chicago - some chemical that was supposed to stop them from reproducing. It didn't work.

  9. My brother moved into an apartment on Washington I think it was.. The place was filthy with cockroaches. My parents helped for a straight week trying to clean the place and got an exterminator in to get rid of them. They did finally get rid of the cockroaches, but my parents were terrified of bringing them home, so they got undressed in the garage put their clothes in a plastic bag and ran from the separate garage to the house (straight into a hot shower) and threw their clothes away outside.
