Thursday, October 7, 2010

I’m thinking of not voting

No one represents the ex-Democrat disaffected Libertarian anarchist with mental health issues anymore. I regret the last two major elections I voted in. The candidates that I voted for won, and I don’t like what they’ve done. It’s not that I think their opponents would have done better; I just feel bad for my part in their elections. Why should I give my vote to someone I disagree with, just because I disagree with his/her opponent "more"? It doesn’t make sense anymore. Maybe I’ll just write in “None of the above” in each slot. I don’t know what else to do.


  1. The closer we get the worse the taste in my mouth. The commercials are endless; In fact, two have run just since I began typing this.

    Sadly, I find myself blocking out everything that is said. It all sounds like lies and trumped up accusations about their opponent. I don't think there is anyone running that suits my liking.

  2. I wait until I'm in the booth then try to decide.......

  3. There are certain rights that are sacred to an American citizen, and should not be done lightly, perverted or abused and one is the right to vote. It's a right that people have fought and died for. It is a right that gives you the right to bitch and moan. It is the feeling that when you mark that box you are trying to change your community for the better, even if it is just writing in yourself. Orbs, you are a passionate person. You have opinions. Even if you go in the booth just to vote for one race. Go vote. Have your voice counted. If you dont, it adds more worth to someone elses vote. It makes your voice non-existant. I dont care who you vote for, as long as you vote. And to put it bluntly, if you dont vote you lose the right to bitch when things get screwed up, or praise if they go right.

    Dont believe all the BS ad's, paid mailings, etc. Find a race that interests you and research. Talk to the candidates. Dont believe the hype, but trust your soul.

    People died in Lexington, Germany, France, Korea, Vietnam, Afganistan for you to have this right. Dont piss on their sacrifice. Get your ass to the polls and vote, dammit.

  4. My dad always said it's a matter of voting for the lesser of two evils. I demand they have a choice labeled 'NONE OF THE ABOVE'. Ya that will get me far.

  5. You know you can always do a "write in" for your choice. My sister just said the same thing about not voting - I told her then don't bitch about what is going on around this town. It scares me that no one has come out to run against Lying John and there is where I will do my write in. I don't have any answers but we have to start somewhere to make some changes and it really does start with us - the little people who are fed up with dirty, lying politics.

  6. Lying John is not up until the spring, if I am not mistaken. Most local offices primary in Feb and elect in April.

  7. I am with Stu on this one. I always vote, but I have left races blank if I didn't want to vote for anyone in that race (I have never done that for all races). Leave them blank, cast a write in. Better statement.

  8. I write myself in for every election. If someone is unopposed or if I don't like who is running I write myself in.

    There must be some harmonic convergence happening, cause Hale and I are agreeing on something again!

  9. I was thinking of writing in OrbsCorbs in each race, but that's silly. I didn't mean to whine. I'm sure I'll do the lesser-of-two-evils thing, again.

    I'm hoping that someone will pop up against Dickert after the November elections. If it looks like he's going to run unopposed, maybe then I'll start an OrbsCorbs write-in campaign for those who want to make a statement. Or maybe Gilbert Knapp, or someone more closely associated with Racine. You couldn't expect much, but it would be great if they reported in the paper the next day that a few hundred wrote in Gilbert Knapp. But that's only a dismal possibility. At this point, I was going to say that I would even vote for Keith Fair, but I couldn't do that. Anyone else, though, I'll vote for him/her. Shields should run. That would be interesting.

  10. Orbs I'm with you. If no one goes up against Mayor Yahoo... I for one will write someone in, wanna flip a coin, heads your name gets written in, tails we'll do mine, either way, we could clean out City Hall in 5 minutes :)

  11. No, no, you definitely should be the one whose name gets written in, your real name. You are already known in the community and you know how to get things done. Maybe we could actually get you elected!

  12. Just so you all know... I read a while back that writing in a candidate actually costs all of us taxpayers more money. It must be redundantly documented, even if you write in Mickey Mouse. The cost of time and paperwork adds significantly to the election costs.

    Better to make your statement by not casting a vote for that selection, in my opinion, since it is just a wasted vote anyway.
