Monday, October 4, 2010

Open Blog - Monday

"HAPPY-MONDAY" is the name of that image.


  1. ya...sure...
    don't know if it'll be happy yet, I feel a bit green and scary like this guy, ...ah, cold season..

    just a thought -
    being a Bears fan in Wisconsin is like rooting for somebody else's kid against your own in a soccer game...
    just sayin'

  2. It looks surprisingly like me!!!!!

  3. Just changed from Time Warner to AT & T. A LOT cheaper. But my email address will change. I will keep you-all updated.

  4. If Monday has you down, you can always brighten it up by going to the Park-Case home coming game tonight.

    (You know, that isn't such a bad idea. Get as many people out there to Hammes Field at 6PM to show the athletes and kids the kind of support that they deserved last friday.)

  5. Um... you have something in your hair. From the looks of it, you better check your teeth too!

    Network problems started off my day. I think I had a cow when I realized that ALL of the work data I saved so far this year was GONE!

    Good old IT recovered my files. Someone, somewhere tweaked the system once again and didn't think ahead to the consequences. I'm still trying to recover. I think my heart still hurts....

  6. I can't reliably log on here today. Every other move I make on the JT Irregulars is met with "Service Unavailable - Error 503."

  7. kk, I think my teeth are in the mug....yes, don't you love the new hair color...

    Soooooooo.....anyone want to go to the park case game? Have a JTIrregulars tailgate (which means we open up the hood, not the trunk)? If any of us graduated from Horlick, we will sit in the middle of the field. Hows that sound.

  9. You're not the only one Orbs...I've been seeing that confounded 503 service error today. Then again I was without internet from yesterday afternoon till this morning. GRRRR!

  10. How is it that the guy who professes to know even less about football than me is in first place? I think he might be using some advanced math or something.

  11. It boggles the mind, Orbs. And I even lost one of my running backs for the season in week 1 (Ryan Grant, Green Bay), my top quarterback to a concussion (Kolb, but I never liked him that much anyway...I thought I got shafted in the quarterback department, but Orton is burning up the league) and another running back out for several weeks (Reggie Bush) and my starting kicker got benched (Hartley). So yeah, it's a real mystery what's going on.

    I demand a recount!
