Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sea Turtle Extinction -- Not Caused By Global Warming

Aha, maybe we have just discovered why the sea turtle is going extinct & it is not global warming. !!!!!!!....

World shame – the coast in COSTA RICA

The Turtle eggs are stolen to be sold.



  1. They had this same problem in Mexico where I go for a vacation. They started a company to manufacture what they took from the turtles (I think they took the whole turtle) and that way they are saving them and giving all the people jobs. It used to be a nortorious turtle killing field. They are very proud of the fact.

  2. Anecdote does not equal data. This may be the dominant reason, one of several factors, or even a minor or non-factor depending on the exact species of sea turtle, its range, climate, and a variety of other factors.

    I am not a marine biologist and the first step before I could even comment intelligently would be to identify the exact species of sea turtle...I can't do that visually and until I know that piece of info, I am totally buffaloed and can't say much about what these pics may or may not indicate.

    Yes, I am like this all the time!

  3. As a staunch environmentalist, I am horrified by these pics. It is true that certain governments do little or nothing to protect the endangered species. Mostly due to the lack of resources in the more primitive parts of the world.

  4. Leave it to Hale to give us a complete analysis...Good job, Hale.

  5. Poaching takes place everywhere. When there is a market for the goods, there will be people who ignore the law. I'm surprised that someone was able to take such close up pictures. Usually poachers know they are breaking the law and are armed and dangerous.

  6. Japanese are just as bad when it comes to killing whales! Their government claims they care but those ships are still out there where they’re not suppose to be. Talk is cheap!

  7. You can add ivory from elephant tusks, certain furs, and other endangered species parts/organs to that list as well.

  8. I watched 'Planet Earth' and it was thought provoking. I'm for save the planet, whales, etc, but they brought up the fact that some people live only on what they can 'catch'. This applied to cutting down trees in Africa and deminishing(?) the gorilla area. They said what is a tree if it feeds a family. I don't believe in that theory but it is food for thought. Look at the people in Louisanna..they are crying because they can't shrimp fish anymore. Is that all they know? I read somewhere that the people who take the eggs have no other means of income. You may not go with this but like I said it is food for thought.

  9. Posting it on my blog. Thought Costa Rica was more conscious of
    the ecology.

    I am really surprised. This will get around, I promise.

    Thank you.

  10. I just read about this on Snopes.
    It's a planned collection. Totally legal.
