Saturday, November 6, 2010

Daylight Saving Time Ends Tonight

Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday at 2 AM, when it magically becomes 1 AM again. Don't forget to turn your clocks back or you will be an hour early for church tomorrow.


  1. Soon starts the darkness before 5 pm. I remember working in a windowless building and arriving to work in the morning in the dark and leaving in the evening in the dark. Very depressing.

  2. At least I worked in a windowed building, but also arrived in the dark and drove home in the dark....

  3. It's dark outside already!!!!!

    I hate this time of year..

  4. not a fan of the dark, but it sure helps my mind prep for going to bed early (for work), and that extra hour of sleep was nice too, too bad we have to give it back in the spring :(
