Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Did you vote

Please report in here your polling place and the number you were. Also, how is the turnout at your voting place?

It is your right to vote. If you dont vote, dont participate, you lose the right to complain when things go wrong! Even if it is only for one race, please vote today.


  1. I sent in my absentee ballot almost 2 weeks ago, don't know what happens to it once it gets there but it was sent and I did my part anyways. I was only able to vote for Senate and The House, unfortunately but that is the price of living so far away.

  2. I did early voting here.....no idea what number I was...but I do know that there was a lot of activity at the library during early voting.....

  3. My polling place is on the way to work, so I did it on the way in.

  4. I voted at 1:30, Festival Hall. I was number 63 for District 1, Ward 1. That's a terrible showing, but most of my neighbors will only deal with the government when there is a handout involved.

  5. I just voted and out of 700 I was 287. Not too bad considering one day I was 42 at 4:00.
    Hopefully more people are waiting until after work to vote.

  6. Done. Number 383. Not sure what that is out of. The poll person said there was a steady flow. This was about an hour ago.

  7. My Ticket said 517, but who knows if they started at 0 or not. It was at a church. I wondered how that would sit with separation of church and state. I was not struck by lightening.

  8. 414 district 9 ward 21 4:30ish
    kornwolf building, longest wait i've since they moved from knapp school
    took me 2 minutes from walking in to walking out

  9. Huck

    I too vote in a church. It does have an odd feel to it.

  10. At 4:15 today I was #1405 in Sturtevant.

  11. HOLY COW! Look at pour numbers as a group-. Our voting percentage is right off the boards. My percentage of right picks is dismal so I figure I already know who won.
