Friday, November 19, 2010

"Grandma's Superhero Therapy (18 photos)"

"A few years ago, French photographer Sacha Goldberger found his 91-year-old Hungarian grandmother Frederika feeling lonely and depressed. To cheer her up, he suggested that they shoot a series of outrageous photographs in unusual costumes, poses, and locations. Grandma reluctantly agreed, but once they got rolling, she couldn't stop smiling.

"With the unexpected success of this series, titled 'Mamika,' Goldberger created a MySpace page for his grandmother. She now has over 2,200 friends and receives messages like: 'You're the grandmother that I have dreamed of, would you adopt me?' and 'You made my day, I hope to be like you at your age.'"

You can read more and see the rest of the photographs here:

Then there are 10 more photos here:


  1. That is so awesome! What a super grandson he is to do this for his super grandmother!

  2. I checked out her MySpace page:

    Look at the tattoo. I wonder if that's real?

  3. He is so talented! She is a champ! I so want to be that kind of grandma! The smile on my face at the moment is so huge. Thanks for sharing this, orbs!

  4. You are welcome. I could never talk my mom into doing something like this. I know exactly what would happen: as soon as she realized that I was serious about it, she would ask, "Are you drinking again?"

  5. My mom was a good sport and had a great and sometimes wicked sense of humor. She would have done it if she lived to that age. I am so fighting the fuddy-duddy that age can sometimes bring. I want to be open to fun until the end.
