Monday, November 1, 2010

Open Blog - Monday



  1. I’m here to bitch...

    I cannot wait for Election Day to get here; my recycle bin is full of “vote for me shit”!

    And Conan; how many more stupid commercials do I have to see before his new show starts!

    Ya, I guess it is Monday......

  2. My voicemail is full of those idiots too....

  3. Not one single trick or treater came to my door...a bag of candy to dispose of now....think the nursing home gets it!

  4. I'm with you on that one SER. I'm so tired of robocalls and junk mail and everything that goes with an election. The negativity, the bs, all of it.
    And it's bothering my dog, every time the phone rings he howls. Actually that part is pretty funny.

  5. Hey Beejay

    We had two trick or treaters. Now we are left with Hershey Bars, Milky Way, Snickers, M&M's and a few other things. I don't think I'm going to donate them though. After all, chocolate is theraputic.

  6. Too bad you guys aren't in Racine - I'd gladly accept candy donations.

    I think everyone is sick of the elections except the candidates. Maybe them, too.

  7. In recent years, the majority of kids I saw were almost adults, no costumes, no manners, dropped of by the boatload in vehicles, sporting dirty pillowcases stuffed full of candy, some carrying their own babies.

    I am really the grinch. I didn't buy candy... I didn't turn on my light. And, wouldn't you know it.... tons of cute little kids bedazzled in costumes, walking with parents. I would have loved to share a treat with them.

  8. I usually only have a few; maybe 7 or 8 at the max...this year nary a one!

  9. What the hell Beejay! Maybe the kids saw some snakes in your yard or something.

  10. What the hell Beejay! Maybe the kids saw some snakes in your yard or something.

  11. No snakes, Logjam, my little wiener dog chased them away....she rules this roost! And the lizard population has dwindled as well.....

  12. I get no trick or treaters where I live in AZ. This year I wasn't home...was at Disney for the weekend.

    It always amazed me how trick or treating in Racine seemed like a blood sport or something with kids being trucked in from all over the place. First year I had to go get more candy...think I wasn't home on the dedicated time most years.
