Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Open Blog - Wednesday

That's right, I'll bend your ear any day.


  1. so glad my phone will stop ringing off the hook, I did vote, tho after feeling harassed both on TV and having our phone ringing more than ever makes one feel like not voting out of's done, now it'll be quite again.
    We have the privilege to vote, whether we like the outcome or not, we did our civic duty and did what we could for the candidate of our choosing, now the nastiness can quiet down and we can move along,
    Happy Wednesday everybody :)

  2. Lizardmom, you're right about the phone, it was like a sore tooth it never quit.

    I see where that asswipe of a governor we currently have made another act of defiance again the people of the state by signing the high speed rail thingie.

  3. Thank goodness the ads and election AND the World Series are over. Now back to my basic TV programs. I was going insane a couple of days. My life is the TV. info after watching History channel...There is a button in the elevator that DOES NOT WORK..EVER..What is it you say...the 'door close' button. It's just to make you feel like you have some control. LOL

  4. My ear is ready for the bending. Have at it! :)

  5. I finally took my tomato plants out yesterday. A couple were still flowering, and they all held a lot of fruit, much of it small. Some of my neighbors are fried green tomato fans, so I gave away a lot, and I'll ripen the rest. It was a great year for tomatoes.

  6. I had so many tomatoes this year, I made a couple of batches of salsa. My first time trying it, and it was pretty good.

  7. I'm not even that big of a fan of tomatoes. Well, tonight I had some mostaccioli with Ragu sauce and one of my tomatoes chopped into it, and I like them in salads, but I don't eat many salads - I grow the tomatoes more for the fun of the growing and giving them away than for the eating.
