Friday, November 19, 2010

Open Blog - Weekend

Let the celebration begin!


  1. yay!!!!!
    last day of work, then a week vacation, cooking for 2 families, 2 day event...
    kicking off vacation with DR so I can breath again, I think a nap will be in order after work!

  2. Have a good one...we are finally moving the motorhome to the site we step closer to actually using it the way it was meant to be used. LOL.

  3. TGIF! Although, I will say this week went by pretty quick. Have listened to Beejay and therefore will NOT be putting up Christmas decorations until next weekend. We are supposed to get an artic cold front Thursday with temps at night in the 20's so staying in and decorating sounds like a good plan.

  4. I will be spending the weekend cursing under the hood of my truck. Why did I ever get rid of the simple, reliable, straight six? What does an engine need with a computer? Does my engine have a Facebook page?

  5. I want to friend Orbs's truck so I can read the status updates this weekend!

  6. Hale, I agree!! Orbs, hook us up, ok? :)

  7. Yeah, I'll tell my mechanic that. I stopped by his shop today. He went deer hunting.

  8. I could start a group. >:)
    Orbs' Engine. See how many fans we could get! LOL

  9. Good idea! When it friends you, please ask it wtf is the matter. It doesn't seem to want to tell me.

    I think SER is probably hunting, too, because he asked Madame Zoltar a few weeks ago about conditions this weekend.

  10. Oh, if SER is hunting, hope he gets the doe or buck of his choice.

  11. I didn't work on the truck today. The great procrastinator. What happened? I used to be the go to guy. Now it's gone and left.
