Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my merry elves! How are you? Racine finally got its first snowfall of the season. Oh joy. Wouldn’t it be nice if it was also the last? Ha ha, I tease. (Not really…) Of course, after the snow came the freeze, and then appeared the patches of ice and frozen snow on the streets and sidewalks and stairs. Oh my, all of a sudden I had to remember how to take little baby steps again. Winter has arrived. Let the trudging begin! Onward through the snow and ice, slowly but steadily, we will make it. Up ahead is the warm glow of Christmas. Let us enjoy.

Our mesmerizing and stupefying Green Bay Packers replied to the previous week’s loss with a convincing win against the San Francisco 49ers this past Sunday at Lambeau Field. Because of the spectacular playing by the Packers, there was no need for me to take any, uh, special interest in the game. Weren’t they cute in those old-time uniforms? (If I was a little younger, I might be a Packer’s groupie.) I cheer on our courageous Packers in their quest to vanquish the Detroit Lions this coming Sunday. May victory once again greet your glorious efforts, o mighty warriors of green and gold.

I am a big fan of the Christmas season. I enjoy the decorations and songs and various traditions. Junior and I put up a tree and decorated the rest of the house, including the outside. In an effort to get others into the Christmas spirit, I’ve selected a couple of videos to post this week. I hope that you enjoy them. The first is “Christmas Canon” by Trans-Siberian Orchestra:

The other video is the ending to Frank Capra’s classic movie, It’s a Wonderful Life:

“Remember, no man is a failure who has friends.” How true. And I have all of you dear, dear Irregulars and regular readers for friends. It makes me feel warm inside. It makes me feel like Christmas, every day of the year.

Please send your holiday hollering and seasonal ranting to:

Thank you one and all for reading my blog this week. I hope the holidays bless you with peace, love and understanding. May you and your families experience the magic and joy of this time of year. Kakistocracy!


  1. I have my 1 1/2 foot christmas tree up. I've hung the wreath and set out the pointsetta. With all the kids grown, I prefer to celebrate the winter solstice. As of the 21st, the days start getting longer again. Yea! The cold snap we have been having has not been fun, mainly because it came upon us so quickly.

    I had trouble watching the packers play in blue. It was difficult to remember when to cheer or to jeer. I heard somewhere that they actually had to practice a bit longer to ensure they recognized each other in the different uniforms.

    Please watch your step, Mme. Didn't you suffer a tumble last year?

  2. Oh my, Ms. kk, I've ended up on my derriere more times than I want to think about.

  3. That Christmas Canon is beautiful, Mme. Z. Thanks.

  4. I love TSO. Good choice!
    I have 2 trees up! Mme... did you send some special energy my way?

    Happy Holidays everyone!

  5. Not me, dear. You are just a boundless source of energy yourself.

  6. I don't know about a Christmas Cannon, but I have a few fireworks left over from the 4th of July I can light off.
