Monday, December 6, 2010

Open Blog - Monday

I've had jobs like that.


  1. FIRST!!!
    Just got my internet back on after about 8 hours of "technical problems" grrrrrrrrrrr

    Have a great Monday everyone!

  2. Суперский пост! Больше таких пишите! Буду с радостю читать!

  3. Happy Monday all, hoping the day goes well and FAST
    started a wicked cold over the weekend but feel a little less than death today (better than yesterday), dressing in many layers today to cook this thing out of me!

  4. Doctor with Grandma today! Oh joy, oh boy....

  5. It almost took that this morning to get me out of bed! It is co-ooooold here! My Firefox toolbar is showing 18 degrees and the wind chill is ???? Damn cold. (does the number matter?) Thank goodness for wool sweaters!

  6. Here is the translation of our anonymous poster from Russian... "Super post! More such write! I would be happy to read!"

    I'm not sure what the purpose of these spams are. Are they a placeholder to active websites?

  7. Maybe if they get away with an innocuous comment, then they'll try more virulent spam.

    When you get within three feet of my apartment windows, you can feel the chill.

  8. I get emails with those characters all the time...our spam filter doesn't get them for some reason. I have never gone for the translation...maybe I will on the next one.

    Nice to know he likes the open blogs...if he wants another one, he just has to wait until Wednesday.
