Monday, December 13, 2010

Open Blog - Monday

Here comes the sun.


  1. brr, can I go back to bed for the next couple months til it gets warmer out?? I'd make a great bear!

  2. ♫Here comes the sun
    Here comes the sun, and I say
    It's all right♪

  3. I sing that every time the sun peaks out over here.. unfortunately because Sweden is the say it is I do not sing it so often.. Beautiful picture though..

  4. Geeze... Darn ice! I've been off my feet twice already and it is only December. Do I need to ask Santa for some cramp-ons?? (

    I think what I really need to do is get to a warmer climate soon!

  5. KK

    Is there a warmer climate right now? Even Beejay has to be freezing.
    And its not even winter yet. Brr.

  6. I have something similar KK.. not quite as dramatic but little rubber things with little metal spikes that you slip on over your shoes.. I had to buy them here because no one shovels their sidewalks very well.. they don't use salt on the roads (except the big roads) so I end up on my butt many times in the winter.. I used those to help me walk through the ice when I was big and pregnant.. worked well.

  7. wwwwhhhhhhaaaaattttt yyyyyooooouuuuu mmmmeeeaaaannnnn fffreeezzzzziiiinnnnng? I'm darn froze up...couldn't even bike this morning. cold rain and windy as all get-out....I have to put blankets on my plants tonight. Oh dear...the poinsettia has to come into the garage! Oh dear...oh my...good gracious.

  8. "It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood,
    A beautiful day for a neighbor.
    Would you be mine?
    Could you be mine?..."

    It's so cold I have permanent brain freeze.

  9. Don't forget, the Miracle on 16th St fundraiser at Dino's is today:

  10. We are in a record setting heat wave down here. Forecast is for temps above 80 the next couple of days. Tucson didn't break its record yesterday (came close) but several surrounding communities did. Supposed to cool down later in the week to highs of around 70 (which is still a bit above average for this time of year, but not record setting).

    kk, some helpful advice. This year's IgNobel prize in physics was given to researchers who showed that you you slip less in winter if you wear socks on the outside of your shoes.

  11. Oh dear... Socks on the outside? Now that is a mental image. I think I just need to eat more so I have more padding to fall onto? Sounds good to me!

  12. No matter how much I eat, it goes to my stomach and not my butt. I have to remember to fall forward.

  13. Hale, you are sending some of that my way, right? We are supposed to go into the 70's on Thursday...but til then...brrrrrrr
