Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Open Blog - Wednesday

Today is so big, it's trademarked.


  1. First!!!!!!
    Gosh......... where has the year gone?

    Guess I learned to change my user name. :)

  2. 2nd :)
    just keep reminding me it's wednesday, I was off the last 2 days and I'm all messed up... :)

  3. Hey der MinnesotaChick, still up to yer arses in snow? :) I've been off too, haven't accomplished anything... and it feels great.

  4. Suddenly it appears I will have a house full come Friday night...oh my....have to find those crib sheets...where would I have stashed 'em? Oh dear.

  5. While checking Facebook this morning what do I see - Irregular pictures. A nice way to start the morning.

  6. Only avatar pics were added on Facebook... don't stress. We are missing some: sassa, Biggie D, froglover, a couple others who don't have current avatar pics on JTI. We have 23 "likes" so far, with a few from people I don't know...hmmmm. Wish they would jump in here and get known!

  7. kk... up to our arses and more in snow!

  8. hmmm...that's weird. I had a picture at one point, I didn't know it disappeared. I just tried adding one, we'll see if it works.
