Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wooo hooo lens find

I've been looking for a f1:1.4 lens on ebay for doing some low light no flash pictures. I also want to do some artsy shots where the foreground and background are blurred. As much as I'd love an even faster rare 1.2 lens, the prices are just silly. The "f1:1.4" refers to how fast a lens is. Fast means how much light the lens will pass through to the camera body. Most SLR camera lenses have f2.0 or even f2.8. These work well enough, but the f1.4 and especially f1.2 will let you take night shots without a flash.

While looking through all the lenses listed and even old film cameras that might have a f1.4 as part of the package, I came across a 500mm f6 for peanuts! Lenses are also classified by focal length and the higher the number, the further it will see. Think long distance spy shots when you get over 300mm. While the 500mm lens wasn't what I've been currently looking for, it has been on a wish list for years. They usually run near a grand used, and well over for new. Lets just say I stole it.

I'll be all ready for Madam Zoltar next summer. Two years ago I saw her levitating at another party at Pets while the JTI picnic was going on. I wasn't so miffed about her snubbing us, but that levitating needs to be documented. Zoltar you understand two things. Bribes and blackmail. The bribes didn't work for Huck's Hussy search, so maybe blackmail will. Come next summer you better be looking over your shoulder. That reflection of sun light might just be me four blocks away. All I want is what you promised me. A knock on my door by a short haired brunette Barbi doll that says, "Hi, my name is Bambi, where's the kitchen? I feel like cooking!" That Chaty Cathy you left with the broken pull string doesn't count!

hmmmm 500mm with a 2x tele-converter. A 1,000 mm lens?


  1. Make sure you get a good teleconverter. There are a lot of cheap ones out there that add lots of distortion and aberrations to your images, especially when adding a 2x teleconverter to a 500mm also doubles the effects of any imperfections in the lens!

    Are you shooting digitally? If you are using an APS-C sensor, the focal length of your lens is mulitplied, usually by a factor of about 1.6 (as it is for my Canon Digital Rebel XTi). A 500 mm focal length lens would have an effective focal length of 800mm on my camera.

  2. I don't understand all that technical photography talk, Mr. Finn, but congratulations on getting a good buy.

    I do understand a threat, veiled or otherwise, but I want you to know that documenting me levitating would only aid my cause.

    As for your assertion that I did so while attending a picnic other than the JTI's, you, sir, are mistaken, I am sure.

    Finally, I do not procure "brunette Barbi doll(s)" for anyone. I am not that type of person. Please disavow yourself of such a silly notion.

  3. yeah!!! I get a bit lost on the technical stuff but it sounds cool and I'm sure that translates into some future awesome pics :)
