Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"Burglars snort man's ashes, thought it was cocaine"

"(Reuters) - Burglars snorted the cremated remains of a man and two dogs in the mistaken belief that they had stolen illegal drugs, Florida sheriff's deputies said on Wednesday.

"The ashes were taken from a woman's home in the central Florida town of Silver Springs Shores on December 15. The thieves took an urn containing the ashes of her father and another container with the ashes of her two Great Danes, along with electronic equipment and jewelry, the Marion County Sheriff's Office said.

"Investigators learned what happened to the ashes after they arrested five teens in connection with another burglary attempt at a nearby home last week.

"'The suspects mistook the ashes for either cocaine or heroin. It was soon discovered that the suspects snorted some of the ashes believing they were snorting cocaine,' the sheriff's report said."

That is funny, sad and macabre, all at the same time.


  1. Ahhh... maybe that is the perfect place to store your stash.. a funeral home urn.

    Sorry beejay, you guys sure seem to have the majority of them down there!

  2. Although I've never seen human ashes, I think you'd be able to tell the difference. What a bunch of dumba##es. They got what they deserved.

  3. Lol. I agree, Mary. I've seen them both and it would be pretty hard to confuse them. For one thing, coke is a fine, white powder and ashes are coarse grey/black. I think if you snorted ashes, you'd just plug your nose.

    kk, I didn't even pay attention to the fact this happened in Florida. Beejay, beware: you are surrounded by loons.

  4. sadly, wasn't surprised to see it from Florida either, be careful Beejay, you may turn into one of them yet LOL!

  5. I've heard of Kieth Richards doing the same thing.

  6. Drew, I heard that too. Wasn't the story that he did that with some of his father's ashes?

    orbs, the ashes I saw were a light brown and they were finely ground. I guess it could look like heroin? I think I've seen images of that and it could be mistaken? Still... how dumb are you?

  7. Yes kk, the rumor has it that it was his father's ashes. I also heard that he later recanted that story. Weather it's true or not, it's Keith Richards.
