Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Heidi the Cross-Eyed Opossum

I think she looks scary. I may have trouble sleeping tonight.


  1. I really don't like opossums but she is kinda cute, I saw a story on her yesterday, poor thing, makes you wonder if it makes it harder for her to get around

  2. What ever happens to it, don’t take it thru Tennessee, it will be on someone’s dinner plate in no time flat!

  3. I'm really was trying to be compassionate towards this poor animal's situation, but I couldn't stop laughing while watching this. You can't photo shop this one.

  4. I agree with he scary analysis. I'd stay far away. Did you see the claws?

  5. I'm still scared.

    They say that possum and raccoon make good eatin' if prepared right.

  6. My FIL says that possum was ok, but squirrel is not that great.. These two things he got to taste while he was living with his host family there in Racine back in the 70s (he was here with the Rotary club or something). He said he kept his bags packed because he wasn't sure he was going to stay. He was staying in a pretty rough neighborhood with a family with little money so they used to the "fruits of nature" to feed her family.

  7. I had to show the video clip to my husband.. You should have seen how he laughed.. he had tears in his eyes and aches in his side.. For whatever reason things with funny eyes crack him up.
