Friday, January 7, 2011

Open Blog - Friday

Friday and SpongeBob SquarePants. What more could you ask for?


  1. Dang froglover, I thought I had #1 wrapped up.......gezzzzzz

    Did you know this is the first Friday of this week?

  2. Now you know: Potpourri is a French word meaning "Rotten Pot"

    A little usless information for ya

  3. wow, I'm really slipping!
    This has been a week of Mondays, in the worst way, I can only hope today breaks that spell....... otherwise I'm coming home and becoming a hermit!

  4. I am amazed.. it's actually above freezing and sunny out here.. Don't quite know how to handle that.. haven't seen that kinda weather since mid Nov. Guess I should really venture out in the heat wave today.

  5. Above freezing? My thermometer reads 13 degrees. Also I tried to get on JTI facebook but it will not accept my password. And it's the only one I use so I am not wrong. Sorry folks. Also this site always says my password is invalid so I retype in the same password and it's accepted. Go figure.

  6. Is anyone venturing out to the ice sculpting this weekend in downtown Racine? I expect pictures.

  7. Yuck Sassa.. 13 degress is nothing to be out in.. I'm shocked by the "nice" weather we are having.. the meteorologists say that it's supposed to turn into a more "normal" Swedish winter here for awhile.. we'll see.. Not that I enjoy mud and ick, but I'm tired of these terribly cold days.

  8. SER, that sounds awful.. no wonder I don't like using the stuff..

  9. It has been Monday since Monday. I couldn't take it.... Took the day off yesterday, came back to work, and yep, still Monday!

  10. ok, today didn't just suck rocks, it sucked major sized boulders... geez, next week has to be better...and he who hangs up on me shall pay a price...

  11. The weather should be perfect for the ice sculpting downtown. I may take a look down there, but I'm not promising anything.

    The snow sculptures looked cool on Monument Square for over a week. The warm temps on New Year's Eve finally did them in.

  12. So tired...Body aches. Been working 10 hour shifts ALL week long! Another eight tomorrow. Need sleep...

  13. I'll never be first...darn....Have a great weekend...we've been having darn great weather...I'm enjoying this winter...after last, I'll take it!
