Monday, January 10, 2011

Open Blog - Monday

Let the slapping begin!


  1. agreed!!!
    Here's to hoping this week is way better than the last

    Nice win Packers!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Woke up this morning completely alone. It was weird. The girls spent the night with their grandparents last night and my husband started back at work after his nice long Christmas vacation. After being surrounded by my little family for the last few weeks it was a strange feeling to wake up and have no one there. The girls are back now and I am enjoying their playing noises in their room..

  3. "Sometimes you have to slap'em to get their attention"...

    The witch from the Wizard of Oz.

  4. Hey could you please ask me to be your firend on facebook? If you want to that is. It seems I can't do it by myself. Their is a block on viewers on mine and even I can't look at it! Go figure.

  5. Snow and cold all over, but we are having a picture perfect Florida day...high about 77, sunny. Aaah, such a nicer winter than last year.

    Enjoy the day.

    Okay, go ahead, slap me!~

  6. Okay Beejay, I'll slap. Right now it is snowing (lovely) but tonight the artic air comes in and our high tomorrow is in the 20's with a 20 mph north wind making it feel below zero.

  7. I got up, looked in the mirror, and smiled. So I slapped myself.

  8. Oh, sorry, Minnesota Chick, but I didn't make it downtown Saturday for the ice sculpting event. I drove through yesterday and it looked like some of the artists took their creations with them when they were done - at least I didn't see as many as I expected.

    Journal Times photos:

  9. Thanks Orbs. I did see those pictures. I have to say.. you take much better pictures than the JT staff does! They seem to focus on one or two artists and don't show the completed projects. What's up with that?
    I read in the comments that the sculptures were vandalized?? How disgusting. Why does that have to happen?

    Happy Monday everyone! Guess what???!!
    It's snowing.... LOL
    *slaps Beejay* ;)

  10. I was in meetings all day. No chance to be happy. No slapping required! Can I be happy now that work is over and it is Monday and a half?

  11. oh Orbs, you're so funny, I was thinking about SER's comment wondering if it was our response to happy Monday morning people, that's just not natural!

  12. Happy Monday people are strange enough but it's the happy morning people that make me crazy, especially on Monday's, yikes!
    (realize how early I see people, and we DO have a few that are way too exuberantly happy at obscenely early hours, while it's still dark!)

  13. MC, I didn't read the comments on the ice carvings, but the vandalism thing had crossed my mind. The ice scupltures were spread out, on the sidewalk, some near late night spots. They'd probably be safer at home, and maybe more appreciated.

  14. How can ANYBODY be exuberantly happy at 4 am on Monday morning?

  15. Lizardmom does it all the time. I think it's genetic.

  16. oh Orbs, it takes a few hours to get that way, and takes ALOT of caffeine, I am not one that can pop out of bed happy and raring to go, part of why I get up so much earlier than I have to
