Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Open Blog - Wednesday

Wednesday, perfectly.


  1. yeah!!!! 1st :)
    not long til the weekend now, I hope!

  2. Second. Is everyone sleeping in this cold morning? Shhh... don't tell. I have my slippers on under my desk. Hehehehehe. My tootsies are tranquil and toasty! ;>

  3. Yes, I slept in, but only because I was up late keeping the internet safe for the rest of you. You can thank me later...

  4. P.S. I had the most delicious breakfast this morning, It was like I hadn't eaten for weeks.

  5. Yeah orbs, its a tough life. Somewhere on the internet right now, SOMEONE IS WRONG! It's hard to keep up!

  6. Holy shit...just remembered my coffee pot is still on for the past hour, gotta go turn it off!

  7. I went to work today and didn't forget to bring something. A first for this week. I'm glad my head is firmly attached.

    Thanks, orbs, for keeping us safe and watching guard. I need all the help I can get.

  8. You're welcome, guys. It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it.

    CRS (Can't Remember Stuff/Shit) becomes more crippling with age. I'm beginning to misplace the most basic stuff, the stuff that has its own special spot just for itself and I ALWAYS put it there so I always know where it is: keys, wallet, cap, etc. I'm even misplacing bottle caps. I open something and I can't close it.
