Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Open Blog - Wednesday

Pay no attention to the thermometer!


  1. brrr, hot sounds wonderful, if I could just get warm 1st...
    2 more days of work them off for 3, I think I might just make it after all :)

  2. The plows went by my house at 2:43...don't know why, but i had to check the time

    Have a good one kiddies, I'm off to bed again.

  3. No snow here either. However, the temperature is around 4. The sun is out which makes it just a little easier to deal with.

  4. Plows went by at 10 pm last night. Too late to go out and take care of it, but early enough to cause loss of sleep, knowing it had to be removed before backing out of the driveway in the wee hours of the morning.

    The roads were in very good shape this morning. Kudos to the city guys for doing a great job! Major roads were salted and clear. Sided streets were well plowed, at least on the route I took.

  5. Plows came thru again to do my side the street at 4:55 this time.

    Isn't that exciting news?
