Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Open Blog - Wednesday

This is Wednesday.


  1. I just saw Wicked here in Tucson. Great Show! My seats were on the side near the front and I could see into the wings where cast members made quick costume changes. Great show!

  2. so happy for a very short day today, after that, I'm doing nothing, my foot needs a good rest and today it's going to get it, maybe a nap will be in order as well :)

  3. Nap is definitely a good thing! Hope your foot feels better soon.

  4. Have a great nap, sounds wonderful.. Hale I would love to see Wicked, I've heard a lot of good things about it.

    I myself am dealing with a very sick little Maia today. Woke up with fever and generally not feeling well.. Hope this passes soon. I start school again next week.

  5. Poor Maia. I hope she recovers soon. I know what it's like to be sick - no fun. I have a stomach problem that the doctors can't figure out.

    Take care of your foot, lizardmom, and yourself. Good napping.

    I haven't seen a play in ages.

    The sun actually came out this afternoon. I almost forgot what it looked like.

  6. Well I just got back spending all day and some time in surgery getting my Achilles tendon repaired. Crutches and no weight bearing for 4 weeks. Thank God for Vicodin. At least I have all my stuff next to the recliner infront of the TV ready for the game sunday. GO PACK!

  7. Logjam, hope you recover fun being off your feet.

  8. Take care of yourself, logjam. Crutches are a pain. That recliner sounds inviting.

  9. the nap was wonderful, woke up feeling amazing, the downside - couldn't go to sleep that night... not fair, only slept 45 minutes and it robbed me of alot more than that :(
    foot not happy, probably looking at surgery in March, too much going on at work in February, so I"ll be a gimp for a while, at least my oldest should be able to shuttle me there and back for it, she has a short day if at all on Fridays
