Friday, January 28, 2011

Open Blog - Weekend

Today, apparently, is a day to honor cowardice. 


  1. The weekend already? I haven't gone to bed yet!

  2. I don't know about yellow Fridays, but stay away from yellow snow.

  3. I'm guessing you guys are heading to bed, I'm up for the day :(
    the hours I keep are rather odd and I usually overlap with my youngest who is still up when I get up...
    Happy Friday all :) Let the weekend begin SOON!!

  4. Went to the Doc today. One week down, 5 to go as far a putting any weight on the leg. I did get a pretty blue cast put on though. The Mrs. told me I should have asked for a combination Green and Gold one. But alas! I have another appointment next Thursday when this one comes off so he can take the stitches out. Maybe I'll get the green and gold one put on then. There is one benefit about being mobility challenged. The old lady has gotten the operation of the snow blower down pat by now.
    A wonderful weekend to all.

  5. Weatherwise our weekend should be pretty good. Today and tomorrow pushing 70. Not to worry though, old man winter is bringing us an ice storm on Monday.
    It hasn't really rained here since July so any precipitation is welcomed, I think.
    Logjam - glad things are getting better with your foot.

  6. What another loooong week. I am beat! Heavy into a project for the next few weeks.
