Thursday, January 6, 2011

Poetry Corner

I'm starting a new feature on the JT Irregulars: Poetry Corner. How cute. I've liked poetry for a long time and I thought I might occasionally post a poem I admire or that moves me. Poetry Corner will appear whenever I get around to it - or when you do. You can post a blog and call it Poetry Corner, too, and label it Poetry Corner in the lower right corner. Post your favorite poem. We should accredit the poems when we can. Or if you're not an Irregular and want to submit a poem, send it to:

I don't expect a lot of comments on Poetry Corner, just like we usually don't get a lot of comments on music videos. It's the arts!


For the first Poetry Corner, I've selected a poem by Charles Bukowski (1920 -1994) from his book, At Terror Street and Agony Way (Poems 1965-1968)


a very miraculous thing just happened:
my beerbottle flipped over backwards
and landed on its bottom on the floor,
and I have set it upon the table to foam down,
but the photos were not so lucky today
and there is a small slit along the leather
of my left shoe, but it's all very simple:
we cannot acquire too much: there are laws
we know nothing of, all manner of nudges
set us to burning or freezing; what sets
the blackbird in the cat's mouth
is not for us to say, or why some men
are jailed like pet squirrels
while others nuzzle in enormous breasts
through endless nights - this is the
task and the terror, and we are not
taught why. still, it's lucky the bottle
landed straightside up, and although
I have one of wine and one of whiskey,
this foretells, somehow, a good night,
and perhaps tomorrow my nose will be longer:
new shoes, less rain, more poems.

More info:


  1. Wow... I like it.

    One second can change your life: one phone call, one illness, one car crash, one chance meeting.

    When you stop to think about what ticked you off today, it is sobering to instead think about what could have happened and what is really important in life.

  2. I always say..There, but for the grace of God, go I.
