Friday, February 25, 2011

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! Wow, it's Friday-thank God! It's been an interesting week....This weeks' questions are just off of my head this morning...

1) Do you think the world today is more greedier than it was back then?

2) Do you think technology has your life easier and less stressful?

3) What was your most embarrassing moment?

4) If you were an animal, what animal would you want to be?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1. I would say that the world is more self-centered. I think there is much less kindness, tolerance and benevolence in every day life.
    2. The opposite. I think we are quite a bit more stressed and personally isolated due to technology.
    3. Gee... you think I'd blab it here?
    4. I can be very specific.... Beejay's wiener dog. That thing is pampered!

  2. 1. Agree with kk.
    2. I, too, think technology lends itself to more stress (no more time to mull things...folks want answers immediately, not ASAP).
    3. Not telling, but just remember it was bad....
    4. Yes, Sable is quite the spoiled dog...didn't you like her birthday neck-piece?

  3. 1. I think we are now more aware of it as the papers print things unmentioned years ago.
    2. I am less stressed because anything I want to know is just a click, click away.
    3. At a Christmas party I sat down at a table loaded with my friends and they said that my seat was saved for one of their husbands. I have never gone to another party since.
    4. An otter. They are cute and have lots of fun.

  4. 1) The greed is more pronounced - people care less about others and can be aggressive in public - from road rage to grocery store rudeness. I'm very much tired of it.

    2) I love the internet but hate the telephone, so I dunno.

    3) In Chicago, one of my techs called a black customer "abid," Arabic for slave, an insult. I was the manager and the customer looked at me and said, "Tell your man that I speak Arabic."

    4) Cat.

  5. 1. Like Michael Douglas stated in "Wall Street" "Greed Is Good" and many people (GOP) agree.

    2. Yes

    3. The day I thought I was wrong. LOL

    4. A Male Lion.

  6. 1. Much greedier.
    2. A little of both. On one hand you have the world at your fingertips and yet we all gripe when the computer takes too long.
    3. Not going there.
    4. Does it have to be an animal - I'd like to be a dolphin.

  7. 1. No greedy, as KKD says, self centered. I think there are just as many greedy people now "per capita" as there have always been.

    3. Different stress issues. Either you worry or you don't. How you direct your energy is more important. Trying to change an entrenched position is wasted effort. It takes decades to do.

    3. um... Which one?

    4. A bird. Not just a bird, but a predator. A fish hunter. The dive, the swoop, the 3D life. Not just plodding along the ground, but all spaces. Tucking your wings in tight, head down, and guiding the plunge with tip feathers. Soaring effortlessly on updrafts... ahhh. the life.

  8. 1. Greedier.. yes and no.. There are those that are.. Kids and adults alike have a lot of gotta have its, will put themselves in heavy debt to get the newest brightest gadget.. In that sense yes, but if that is greed or materialism.. or are they somewhat the same.. And I like Kks answer with the selfishness..

    2. I can definitely stay connected.. living so far away I love that my parents can see their grandchildren everyweek on the webcam. I love that I can read the news from back home. But I suppose if I didn't have the internet here I wouldn't be as upset at what is going on over there right now because I wouldn't know about it.

    3. Oh geez.. I fell asleep in my study hall (I didn't have anything to study so I took a nap)and I was bent over with my head on the cafeteria table sleeping away and I was awoken when I accidentally passed a little bit of gas in a very quiet room. Popped up and looked around with the brightest shade of red on my face..

    4. A house cat.. or a bear (I always said I was built to be a hibernating animal)

  9. 1) No doubt, especially with the younger generations.

    2) Sometimes, if you are into you cell phones and PDAs' and can't function without them, there is the stress.

    3) most embarrassing moment? Do you really think I would put that out for the world to know?

    4) A Condor! So when I come swooping down, I will be able to put a HUGE tard in your eye!

  10. Interesting answers everyone!

    1) Most definitively greedier-Every time I open up a bill or make a business deal, I see these absurd fees like service fees, franchise fees, parking fees, yada, yada, yada fees... Makes me wonder what the hell I am really paying my hard earned dollar for? For some big wig sitting at a tiki bar in Mexico?

    2) That's double edged sword there. I love my computer here, yet if it ever breaks down-I get really pissed.

    3) Like Huck said...Ummm, which one?

    4)An eagle, to be free above the madness...

  11. ok, I'm way behind, finally dealing with Friday on Monday...
    1. yes, most definitely
    2. both
    3. I think I've mentally blocked those...
    4. I would be my lizard in a good home, just eat, sleep, poop and be spoiled and loved without any other cares in the world, sounds good to me!
