Monday, February 7, 2011

Kitt Peak Green Flash

Not the best green flash tonight, but I got it setting behind the Mayall 4 meter telescope (taken near the corner of Old Spanish Trail and Houghton in Tucson). That puts Kitt Peak 70 miles away roughly to give a little sense of scale here.

I wasn't sure I was going to get anything when I set up. There was a large dust cloud over Kitt Peak. You can still see a little bit of it in the pics on the left side of the mountain. Fortunately, these things move and it was moving to give me a shot. Could have moved a little bit more...would have been better. But here goes...tonight's sunset.

Compare the pics to the one from February 3rd. You can see how far north the Sun has moved in a few days. Unfortunately, I was unable to take photos on Friday and the weather didn't cooperate Saturday and Sunday. I will give this another try in the fall when the Sun is making its southward journey.

Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicst Blog.

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