Friday, February 18, 2011

Open Blog - Friday

'Ponch' wants you to know what day it is. 


  1. ooo baby!!
    It's been a long week, I can' only hope today is good and fast
    Yesterday was nice, running errands in short sleeves and jeans with no jacket, a good day in February for sure! oh, and they FINALLY came and finished clearing the snow out of our circle...and dumped it all in my neighbors yard hahahaha

  2. seriously can you please send that warm weather this way.. I'm freezing my behind off..

  3. wow.. my name showed up.. it's Why Not?.. ohh I'm on another google account.. I should pay attention to such things..

  4. another nice one today. Supposed to be in the mid-40's. almost all of the snow is gone from our backyard. Incredible - two weeks ago it was up to my shoulder in spots.

  5. What a nice day..the sun is shining! My son said there was to be an aurora borealis(?) last night and he wanted to call me when he saw it. I told him I wasn't going out at that time. Did any one see one? Today is cigarette day $20 less in Illinois. Guess what..this is almost like facebook. LOL At least to me. I's rather tell you guys what I'm doing than 'the world'. All you-all have a great day.

  6. We are also experiencing wonderful weather. Who would have thought in February I would have my windows open enjoying the warm weather. It won't last but it sure is nice after all the snow.

  7. Hale, Ponch is the epitome of male manliness and sex appeal.
