Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Open Blog - Wednesday

What a cutie!


  1. aww, but he looks a little sad its not Friday yet, I know the feeling, what a long week.
    to our out of state folks (Beejay, Mary, and Hale) is there anytime in the summer you might be able to make it back here to WI for a picnic? Why Not will be here, would be awesome if we could get everybody there

  2. I'm second on here...good
    Wednesday everyone!

    Liz, I don't know exactly when I am coming to WI will be July or August...too far away to plan. Once I know, I will let everyone know...I do plan a JTI gathering on my house during my stay....hopefully, no rain this time!

  3. I'm not sure Wisconsin is in our plans this year but the fishing was so good when we were there last year so there is that chance.
    Let me know what dates you are looking at.

  4. I'll have to check my busy social calendar.

  5. Not 'on my house,' but, rather 'at my house!'

    Hale, if you or Mary have any dates in mind, let me know and perhaps I can arrange my schedule to coincide with yours.

  6. Don't know for sure, but hoping for a trip in late July. Will let you know the details as it gets firmed up.

  7. Thanks, Hale...I keep missing you down here...perhaps in WI, we can catch up! Hugs to all of you guys.
